Jorge Lúcio
Jorge Lúcio has over 20 years of experience in the energy industry. From 2006, he has been the Regulatory Affairs Director of Galp, initially on the Gas & Power business managing the transformation of Galp’s natural gas activities (unbundling of Supply, Retail and Distribution activities) until the complete energy market opening in Portugal, following the transposition of the European Directives on the Energy Common Market. With the development of the regulatory framework, the Regulation Area has been expanding its intervention to other Galp’s business activities and geographies. Since 2020 he is also the Director for the Commercialization of Last Resort Supply for Natural Gas. Galp’s representative at ERSE’s Consulting Council since 2008, an independent board of the Portuguese Energy Regulator. Chairman of APEG (Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Gás), the professional association of gas industry in Portugal since 2021. Representative of Galp in various professional fora such as International Gas Union and EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders). He has an extensive experience as Project Director, both at Galp where he led the development of the “Natural Gas Underground Storage in Salt Caverns in Portugal” from 1999 to 2006 (the facilities were since acquired by REN), and at Parque Expo 98 for the “Environmental Remedial Program at the Site of the World Exhibition EXPO’98 in Lisbon” (1993-1998). In both cases he led the projects from the conceptual design phase to procurement, construction works and commissioning (UGS) and remediation (EXPO site). He holds a Chemical Engineering MSc. from Lisbon University (IST), with Honours, with Post Graduation Studies in Management and Economic Regulation from the Portuguese Catholic University.