Chairman of NEWES, New Energy Solutions
Chairman of NEWES, New Energy Solutions. Member of the board of several energy undertakings and energy funds, as well as of non-profit international scientific and technical organizations. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Invited professor at the Technical University of Lisbon, the European University Institute and the Vienna University of Economics. Founding member and chairman of the Board of the General Assembly of APEEN (Associação Portuguesa de Economia da Energia) and APDEN (Associação Portuguesa de Direito da Energia). Degree in electrical engineering from Porto University and PhD from Erlangen-Nuremberg University. First Chairman of the Portuguese energy regulatory authority (ERSE, 1996-2006). Co-founder, first chairman (2000-2005) and honorary member of the Council of European Energy Regulators. Founder of the Florence School of Regulation.